Science, Mathematics & Computing
Natural History in Harrow Group This new group welcomes any u3a members who love nature and would like to learn more about the plants and wildlife in Harrow's many open spaces. We meet monthly at 2.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month, either at HAC for a talk on a natural history topic, or for a gentle guided walk in one of Harrow's nature reserves. Members share their knowledge and experience as we try to identify the species that we observe. The first meeting of the group will be on 20th March. Group Leaders: Rosemary and Margaret Maths Group The group meets on Wednesdays from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon, currently on Zoom. We study a course in a mathematical subject for the first half of the session, and jointly solve mathematical puzzles in the second half. The level is roughly A-level, and courses that we have recently followed include different geometries, and number theory. There are vacancies, and new members are welcome. Group Leader: Susan Sustainability and Climate Change Group This group meets on the first Monday of each month at HAC. At each meeting a member of the Group gives a talk on a topic which he or she has investigated and we have a discussion; thus we educate ourselves, each other, and exchange information. We hope to resume visits to places of interest, conferences and public lectures, and hear invited speakers. The group is a member of Harrow VCS Forum’s environment and sustainability sub-group, and of Harrow’s Climate and Sustainability Partnership, where we support and challenge the Council’s efforts on biodiversity, green spaces etc. We’ll be glad to welcome any U3A members who are interested or curious about these topics. Group Leader: Jan |