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Harrow u3a Membership Renewal 2024 - 2025
Indicates required field
Membership Number
Terms and conditions of membership
I apply to renew my membership of Harrow u3a. I confirm that I will abide by the terms of membership set out in the accompanying email.
How have you paid?
I have posted you a cheque
I or my partner have paid by BACS from one of our own bank accounts
Someone else, at a different address, has paid by BACS on my behalf
Gift Aid
If you had a blank value for the date you signed up for Gift Aid in our email to you, then, if you can, we would urge you to join this scheme. If you are a UK tax payer it does not cost you anything to enter into a charity Gift Aid declaration; our claim from the inland revenue represents an important source of income, helping us to keep our subscription rates as low as possible. Signing this DOES NOT COMMIT you to future subscriptions to Harrow u3a and can be cancelled at any time. It means that for any membership fees that you pay, we can make a claim from HMRC -currently 25p for every £1 you pay. Do you wish to opt-in to the Harrow u3a GiftAid scheme?
I am already signed up for the Harrow u3a Gift Aid SchemeOption 3
Confirmation of details and news preferences
Harrow u3a have an email news group, to inform you between our termly newsletters, when there are new groups or outings, or late changes, vacancies, cancellations etc. If you sign up for this and then find you are not interested in the communication you can easily opt out, by sending an email to the membership team.
Harrow u3a have an email news group, to inform you between our termly newsletters, when there are new groups or outings, or late changes, vacancies, cancellations etc. If you sign up for this and then find you are not interested in the communication you can easily opt out, by sending an email to the membership team.
No optional email news, thank you.
Are the contact details we sent you in the email correct?
No, if no, please supply your latest contact details.
New Contact Details